During this winter of historic snowfall and freezing temperatures, we have been keeping things light and warm at TAPA.
Although some of our weekly classes have been rescheduled because of the snow, we’ve still had outstanding attendance in our classes and are so happy with all the amazing work our students have been doing.
Ms. Elizabeth recently used recycled plastic pieces to create huge snowflakes with our students. Using all the glittery blue and white sparkles they could find, students worked hard during class to create these huge snowflakes that are proudly on display in our lobby.
The Girl Scouts of Nassau County, Troop 2477 held their Art Badge Class at TAPA and created collages by drawing, painting, and using mixed media to develop one-of-a-kind pieces of art. They are also returning this winter for Music Badge class and a Yoga Badge class. This Troop of four Special Needs Girl Scouts has sold over 350 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies and they are unstoppable!