This winter, the Hewlett-Woodmere Public Library had TAPA teacher Keyla Hiraldo as a guest teacher for Stories and Play for Children with Special Needs. The one-hour workshops allowed local students to sample TAPA classes and enjoy dance, drama, and performing arts activities through literature based lessons right in their hometown.


The classes brought classic children’s books to life with dance technique, movement games, and creative play. Families, friends, siblings, and caregivers stayed and participated in the classes with ages ranging from toddlers to young adults.


No Two Alike by Keith Baker and Over and Under the Snow by Kate Messner are only two of the stories that got everyone shaking away the winter chills.


TAPA often sends guest teachers to a range of programs on Long Island. Various camps, libraries, and schools have invited us to teach workshops and classes and we are so happy to begin our relationship with the Hewlett-Woodmere Public Library.

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