Holding classes at TAPA would be impossible without our incredible volunteers and interns. These dedicated volunteers are in high school and college and selflessly give us their time on weekday evenings and weekend days to spend time with our students.

Volunteers help students in each class. Sometimes they redirect students in art class, they participate in yoga and dance classes, they sing along in dance, and they drum along to African tunes. In addition to modeling great behavior and making sure their buddies are having a good time, the volunteers become friends with our students and are so genuinely interested in their lives.
Volunteers and students sometimes go to the same school or will see one another around town and they share a special connection that is developed here at TAPA.
Our volunteers are outstanding leaders, patient friends, and caring individuals.
As we you start to think about your summer plans, consider volunteering for an event or our camp season! Send an email to [email protected] for more information.